The Gun Show

The Gun Show

Well, not quite this gun show, a real gun show.  I decided to get 3 tables at a local gun show to sell off my survival, hunting and camping gear.  I spent some time with the Lord and this is a necessary step in trusting Him completely in our transition to Panama.  So, I loaded up the truck, totally filled it, from the full size bed to the extended cab and headed North with my dad to sell off my safety net. I had more than 3 tables worth of stuff, for sure.  I filled the tops of the tables and under the tables, filling in the spaces as things sold.  I prayed that God would confirm I was doing the right thing by allowing everything to sell, every last thing (which is pretty unheard of at the gun show). The word starting spreading about the “missionary to...

Another Date?

Another Date?

I’m a little confused.  As I have prayed for clarity and just spent time with the Lord I feel I am now hearing another date, January 17th.  I hear it many times during the day, even in my dreams.  Is this the “new” date God?  Sometimes discerning God’s will takes time and sometimes things don’t make sense.  But, I love you God, here am I, send me – whenever Your perfect timing is.  Stay tuned…

Security / Possessions

Security / Possessions

We have a clear calling, God has called us to move to another country…  So, we’re selling virtually everything we own.  I have been learning even more about myself.  I thought I held things loosely but I find myself having difficulty selling / getting rid of certain things.  Which makes me want to get rid of it even more to break myself of these earthly attachments, but its not easy.  I have sold quite a bit of stuff that I was very attached to and last night I had a reoccurring dream of regret over doing so.  When I woke up I had to reassure myself again that I am doing the right thing, its just stuff I tell myself, but I feel a sense of nakedness and loss still that I am coping with.  Loosing my sense of security around be totally prepared...

Back in Washington

Back in Washington

We’re back in Washington!  Safe and sound with our truckload of luggage from Virginia.  Already missing our brothers and sisters in Virginia but happy to be home to our other brothers and sisters – it appears there are Believers scattered all over the world – crazy.  😉

Kingdom Economics

Kingdom Economics

As believers all that we owns belongs to the Lord.  He allows us to steward the things He gives us and sometimes He calls us to pass HIS stuff to our brothers and sisters.  That is how it is supposed to work.  We are so blessed to be used by the Lord, while His children were asking God was calling.  God passed his tools to another precious brother and sister in Christ. Just a few examples from His word: James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Matthew 6:31-32 31Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your...

I Am About Relationship, NOT Religion

I Am About Relationship, NOT Religion

God has been so faithful to answer our prayers.  I have had such a burning desire to be in prayer and be in the word and God is speaking! I’m still seeking Him on other questions, I wish I understood His specific purpose for us in Panama.  Although, I do know we do not have to know, I sure would like to. 😉  On paper, it appears that they are a “reached” people.  I have prayed about this heavily, and I feel God saying: “I am about relationship, NOT religion.”  They have religion, but they don’t know Him. Such a simple sentence but powerful none the less.  Jesus came and broke down the religious institutions of his day.  His message is simple, He loves you, died for you and wants to have a personal relationship with...



Last evening God did something truly amazing – praise God!  I went for a walk last evening, I just felt a great desire to seek the Lord alone.  I walked to a pier near us here in Virginia, I walked out to the end of the pier praying and really seeking the Lord and His plan.  It was so beautiful last evening, the sunset was amazing, not a cloud in the sky, looking out over the James River which is 4 miles wide in this spot – incredible.  I felt such an attack by the enemy confusing my thoughts, I rebuked him and praised God for all that He has done, I repented for the wicked man I am, I got down on my knees and prayed for His direction. I sought the Lord, looking like a crazy man, on my knees on the dock, facing the shore and totally desperate to...