Holding On
More and more I find things within myself I do not like. Things that are not Godly, things that are worldly, fleshly and hindrances to my faith. One of these many things has been certain material things I have been holding on to. Specifically some “survival” gear. While in the barn I was really feeling the prompting of the Holy Spirit to let go of these things, things I was trying to figure out how to hold on to. I asked the Lord for scripture as confirmation. He spoke Galations 5: Galations 5:1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. The more I sell, get rid of and let go, the more free I feel. This has been comforting and scary at the same time. We have now gotten...
Our Soon To Be Home In Panama
We have been praying God would make it very clear where we are to live initially as we move down to Panama. On my scouting trip I searched out options and what I found was we could live in town, in a very expensive gringo vacation home, or live on the YWAM base on Isla Bastimentos. After exploring the options we really think the clearest choice is the YWAM base. That was until about four days ago. I received a call from Danny, he has a 1-bedroom, approx 500 sq ft house on 8 acres, on the mainland (but only accessible by boat) which is on the market. He called to say that he was thinking of our family and wanted to offer their home to us to live in, fully furnished at a very low price per month. When he first offered I said I would talk with Shirlene about...
Panama Scouting
I spent about two and one half weeks in Panama. From Panama City to the Bocas del Toro area. I stayed on the YWAM Panama City base when I arrived and then stayed on the YWAM Bocas base on Isla Bastimentos for the majority of my trip, then stayed at the home of David & Cerrita (our new found friends) in Panama city the day before I left. I learned so much about Panama and the people of Pamama. The strongholds of the enemy are great, as they are in many places in the world and Panama is no exception. My time in Panama City was sobering, I met with quite a few people my first day there, and each one of them, separately warned me not to take my young family to the Bocas area. They told me of many murders, sexual immorality, drugs, animism, which...
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