Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. As believers many of us know this verse. In fact we have heard it so many times we almost respond half way through reading this verse with, ya… ya…, I know. But every day, over the last two weeks this has been the answer I have received when praying through a difficult and complicated problem we are going through here. God does not say these things lightly, He means them. We first came to Panama in March, we stayed at a house in Tierra Oscura (Dark Lands) for a little more than a month, God used that time to really throw us into the cultures here. We learned so much and started friendships that have only...
Well, it has been quite a tiring last few weeks. A whirlwind of good and not so good. But, we know God is at work, we stand on all of the provision, protection and love He has and continues to provide. Amen!? Ok, here is a summary of things that are happening here: It appears God is calling people here! This is awesome! Of course you heard The Thompson family is coming. And, in the works, are potentially three other families, one other couple and a short term team coming in Feb / March. Please pray for these people and the others we know God is calling but have not contacted us yet. Pray that satan will not hinder the things God is doing in each of their lives, here or where they are at. The other thing we have really been praying for is truth. ...
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