Bat Cave

Bat Cave

To the bat cave! We heard about a bat cave fairly close to where we are living.  Chris and Ashley (Terry & Liz’s son and his wife) were visiting at the time and love adventures as much as Shirlene and I do.  Terry and Liz graciously offered to watch our kiddos.  Shirlene & I headed over to where Chris & Ashley were staying, across the bay and while we were there, Chino, a local Ngobe man who’s family owns the land the cave is on, offered to drive us in our cayuco.  So, all five of us piled in and headed off towards the bay of Bahia Honda.  In the bay we started towards a small clearing in the mangrove which was a creek that headed up into the hills.  As Chino navigated the creek for about a half an hour, I was glad he was driving. ...

October Photos

October Photos

 Some October photos in completely random order for your viewing pleasure.  Ethan’s downward dog.  Bella and Ethan love to play on the hammock.  Ethan looking for “Lih” (Liz).  Rides on the “wee wee.”  Moving day for Terry, Liz & Odie.  They are heading to Potrerillos, Panama to work with the YWAM base there.  We will miss them.  We spent 6 crazy months with them here on the island.  😉  Ethan tries to start every motor he finds.  He has the form down. Loading Gene’s cayuco – it was awesome!  We needed to tie down the mattresses so they drove some nails into the sides and tie downs were born.  The precious mattress.  This is Terry & Liz’s incredible memory foam mattress.  The...

Oh Glorious Day!

Oh Glorious Day!

Oh Glorious Day! Many of you know that my parents are about to board a plane to begin to the journey down here to see us.  Oh glorious day!  I can’t tell you how ecstatic I am!!  We left PDX airport in the middle of March, making a stop-over in Virginia to say goodbye to dear friends, and arrived in Panama on March 29th.   It’s been 7 ½ months since we’ve seen any of family “in the flesh” and in the words of our Bella, “that is just too long, Mommy!”  I agree.  One of the downfalls to having a wonderful, loving family, in case you were wondering, is that when you are apart from them, the pain is much greater! Because of Dad’s uncertain health (he’s been living with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia for over 25 years now, a beautiful miracle...