Quick update!
If you read through the last blog posts, you might recall us asking for prayer for Orlando who was spiritually in a state of actively seeking God, but not yet ready to surrender to Him completely. About three days after that post, Orlando shared that he was ready to receive the gift of salvation and is now a brother in Christ. What a joy it is to know one day we will be together with him worshiping the Lord together!! Thank you to all who prayed for him, please continue to lift him up as the Spirit leads you.
Camille made a celebratory, so-glad-we’re-brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ cake, and we had a little get together to celebrate this new life in Christ.
We continue to meet weekly with Simon and Amalia, and Orlando and Yamilet for a Bible Study time led by Simon. It’s truly a humble, sweet feeling to have a regular platform for Simon to share his love of the Word and pastoral heart. And in these weeks following Orlando’s submission to God, we also get this unique peek into a tender, delicate time of birth in Christ in his life. Getting to hear him pray out loud in a group for the first time, admittedly nervous because he “doesn’t know how to pray” or what it’s supposed to look like. Watching how just over a few weeks time he is becoming a participant, not just a spectator in times of worship or discussion.
It’s a holy place, these initial moments of new growth. When tender shoots begin to sprout and you see the daily change that growth brings. And as with new shoots, you get to see daily strengthening of the plant, so it is with this young man.
Orlando now brings a music player to work here every day and he always has worship music playing as he works. He carries this little player wherever he goes and I’ve even heard Ellie singing the lyrics to a song I’d never heard as it blasted out of the little speakers. Four young men from the village worked with Bobby yesterday and today on a project. Orlando is the only Believer in the group, but they all were subjected to his worship music for two full days. 🙂
These are Holy moments we are thankful that we get to experience. May we not take them for granted!
Holy moments that encourage us in our faith and spur us on.
Holy moments that are bringing us closer to these Ngobe friends of ours.
Holy moments that make our time here feel like a blessing, not a sacrifice, like a gift, not a service.
Holy, humbling, Kingdom moments. All praise be to God, our Father!
Great news. So encouraging! Love you guys
Oh Shirlene! I cried as I read your update! How GREAT is our God!!! I continue to keep you all in prayer, and rejoice with you, and all the host of Heaven, in hearing this good news! May every full and gracious gift flow from His Hand to meet your every need, and satisy every desire in Him…who alone, is worthy to receive all our worship and all our praise! Thank you Abba YHWH/Yahoshua/HaKodesh! To YOU beALL the GLORY! ;D
Such wonderful news! We ceLebrate with you all. We think of you often. Love you! !!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Amen! Give Orlando, Simone, Amalia, and Yamilet a big hug from us! 🙂